Thursday, November 1, 2007

Birds and Lizards and Cops oh my!

These birds are in an over abundance out side of our house, there beutiful and kinda remind me of African finches i've seen.
That was the only non camera shy lizard I could catch out side of the house. He settled down enough for a close up.
Yup thats what the police look like, Mustangs or Honda pilots mainly. they definitely look more aggressive than the old crown victorias of years ago.

things are still quite bumpy, there seem to be allot of discouraging circumstances, but we are trying to look at the good things. It seems things just keep getting worse, for instance after supper at the mall we returned to our subaru to find some one decided to smash out our window. This whole experience has definitely shown us how good we have had it in Lansing. i guess there are always these setbacks when moving far away but it definitely gets tiring.

The good, The bad, The ugly, Hawaii

this is a view from up the main street we live off of, beautiful no?


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your other car. Is it driveable? The birds are very cute. I would have liked to see you catch that lizard. Love MOM O

Tameshia said...

Sorry to hear about your car. Don't get discouraged. Transition takes time to settle into.

That is an amazing view!

Anonymous said...

Stick with it. I know it's hard not having family around. These experiences will only make you stronger individuals. I'm praying for you guys. Hang in there!!!

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty"

Somebody famous that. I think it's a true statement. Love you guys!!!

Brother John H.

Anonymous said...

sorry about the window. Sounds like there are hoodlums in Hawaii as well. At least they didn't steal 5 of your Steve Green cds!

Keep hanging in there... I'm sure there will be a day that you're glad that you did this for a few years.

Love ya both!